The day the dream became a reality


I will never forget this day… my girlfriend has book her flight Australia bound and arrives in August!

I am so happy and even more shocked!

From now until August I am going to have to get my plan on, We plan to head up the East Coast for some travelling and do a little farm work so that I can get my second year visa!

I feel like my time in Australia will really start come August- being here without bumblebee has been bitter sweet. Whilst i have became much more independent and learnt to cook, when i have done something memorable or went somewhere spectacular, i have had this pang of oh bumblebee would be in her element.

I am off to New Zealand next weekend (North Island) for a spot of touristy shizzle and a bungee jump would you believe!  I hope this is the last new thing I experience alone.

The thought of bumblebee and I driving up the coast with the windows down, the sun shining and nothing but road infront of us- make me shiver with excitement!

Bumble bee you have made my day, week, month, year! I love you from the bottom of my heart and simply can’t wait to see your week face at the airport! We will have an adventure we will never forget- stories we will one day tell our children.

My soul mate, my best friend and now my travel buddy

I love you- now and always

Image< us come NYE 2014!


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